Publisher of CD-ROMs about British Prehistory. Unique online shop featuring items inspired by the great megaliths. Constantly updated portal site with news…

Archaeology Ireland

Quarterly, full colour magazine relating to Irish Archaeology. Supplemental ‘Heritage Guides’ on important Irish sites free to subscribers.…

Archaeology Magazine

The official public voice of the Archaeological Institute of America. It is addressed to a popular audience and covers the whole gamut…

Maney Publishing

Maney Publishing is a major society publisher of archaeology and history titles for both books and journals ranging from pre-history to modern…


Interactive archaeology website which presents material in easy colour coded format – cover Palaeolithic to Medieval. E-magazine delivered monthly in PDF format,…

Current Archaeology

Britain’s leading archaeological magazine, published 6 times a year for a subscription of ?20 a year. Publishes the Archaeology Handbook, the complete…

Society of Indexers

The Society of Indexers promotes indexing, the quality of indexes and the profession of indexing. Editors or other clients are recommended to…

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