Current Archaeology 391

How do we define archaeology? In some countries, there are clear parameters in terms of date – the USA’s Archaeological Resources Protection…

Current Archaeology 390

With enormous capstones perched precariously on stone supports, Neolithic dolmens appear to defy gravity – and, in some cases, interpretation. Why were…

Current Archaeology 388

This year, events are taking place across the country to celebrate the 1,900th anniversary of the construction of Hadrian’s Wall (the eagle-eyed…

Current Archaeology 387

Neolithic Orkney was a prehistoric powerhouse whose cultural influence spread across Britain and Ireland. What happened after these glory days, though? The…

Current Archaeology 384

This month’s cover star is, of course, Stonehenge – one of the most recognisable archaeological sites in Britain. What can we understand…

Current Archaeology 383

Happy New Year! This month’s cover showcases a spectacular Roman mosaic unearthed in Rutland, its colourful imagery preserving vivid scenes from the…

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