Current Archaeology 281

Tracking the movement of ancient armies is notoriously difficult. On those occasions when a mobile force threw up a bank and ditch…

Current Archaeology 280

Comparisons with Pompeii or Tutankhamen’s tomb are easily overused when attempting to convey the excitement of a new archaeological discovery. Recent media…

Current Archaeology 278

The Irish Potato Famine, or Great Hunger, took a terrible toll. Between the million who died and the million more who emigrated…

CA 277

So it really is him, then. Unusually for archaeology all the strands of evidence point to the same conclusion. And what a…

CA 276

Prehistoric standing stones are famously enigmatic, but some monuments may have more secrets in their past than was previously supposed. Recent excavations…

CA 275

Orkney could be an open-air archaeology museum. Sites such as Skara Brae and Maes Howe fire the imagination with their spectacular preservation.…


CA 274

Covering the end of Time Team feels like writing an obituary. The programme has been there for much of my personal journey…

CA 273

HMS  Namur  brings a new meaning to ‘ship burial’. Conjuring images of Sutton-Hoo style splendour, the boat is normally just an eye-catching…

CA 272

Every school pupil knows Richard III’s apocryphal cry of ‘A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse’. But what happened next?…

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