Current Archaeology 296

What lies beneath the ground at Stonehenge? A major initiative to map the geophysics of some 12 square kilometres of surrounding landscape…

Current Archaeology 294

When archaeologists announced they had found the body of King  Richard III beneath a car park on the site of Leicester’s Grey…

Current Archaeology 289

When Martin Bates left his geophysical equipment to take its readings and wandered down to the beach at Happisburgh he made a…


CA 285

The Early Anglo-Saxon tradition of burying the dead in their finery has bequeathed some of Britain’s most spectacular archaeology, from the regal…

CA 284

Had you arrived 400,000 years ago, the Thames Estuary would offer a  world-class safari. Lions, rhinos, monkeys, and elephants all quenched  their…

CA 277

So it really is him, then. Unusually for archaeology all the strands of evidence point to the same conclusion. And what a…

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