Review – London’s Lost Rivers: a walker’s guide – volume two

1 min read

Tom Bolton
Strange Attractor Press, £11.99
ISBN 978-1907222856
Review Amy Brunskill

In this second volume of London’s Lost Rivers, Tom Bolton presents the history of the city along nine of its more obscure rivers. Through the suggested walks along the routes of rivers such as Bollo Brook, Counters Creek, and Black Ditch, which once ran through the city but are now lost or buried underground, readers are able to follow the development of the landscape over time.

The book features one river per chapter and sets out clearly the route along its course, complete with helpful maps, and a wealth of fascinating information about the history of each area, ranging from small villages that disappeared after the Black Death in 1348, to post-war redevelopments that drastically altered the cityscape.

This guide offers a well-researched introduction to the selected rivers and the remnants of the city’s past that are visible everywhere, despite the ever-changing nature of London, resulting in a book which will doubtless interest even those with no intention of walking the suggested routes – although I can’t wait to do so!

This review appeared in CA 363. To find out more about subscribing to the magazine, click here.

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